Online Resources for Medical Students

IN THIS ISSUE: Executive Director | APPsAPA President | Critical Care and Traumatic Brain Injury | Virtual Journal Club
Medical Student Resources | A&E Abstracts 

Online Resources for Medical Students

And how students can become an ACLP member for free!

New to the ACLP website is a page dedicated to resources for medical students.

A short video summarizes resources presented by Medical Student Education Subcommittee member Andrew Alkis, MD.

The page includes a link to enable students to join ACLP—for free!

Students are also encouraged to attend the Academy’s annual meeting each year in November where a ‘meet and greet’ reception is held for trainees and where they can meet ACLP members and leaders, learn about opportunities for C-L psychiatrists, find a mentor, and have questions answered.

Students can also reach out for more information on C-L Psychiatry by emailing a subcommittee contact on:



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