Skills Course for Advanced Practice Providers at Upcoming Annual Meeting

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Skills Course for Advanced Practice Providers at Upcoming Annual Meeting

The Academy continues to support the development of educational resources for APPs

For a second year, the Interdisciplinary Education Subcommittee will offer a half-day skills course for APPs at this year’s Academy Annual Meeting in Miami in November, building on a well-received, inaugural skills course held at last year’s Annual Meeting in Austin for which more than 100 attendees pre-registered.

The course will continue to cover relevant C-L Psychiatry topics, including medication safety (antipsychotics); psycho-oncology; and challenging interpersonal dynamics.

Multiple interactive case-based discussions will be held on each of the three topics.

Longitudinal themes across all topics will include psychopharmacology, medication monitoring, liaising and relationship building skills, identifying one’s scope, and utilizing team resources.

Subcommittee chair Tina Beizai, MD, FACLP, DLFAPA, says a post-course survey, completed by 29 attendees at the 2023 course, showed positive responses, and that the majority would recommend the course to a colleague.


Tina Bezai, MD, FACLP, DLFAPA, leads the inaugural 2023 skills course for APPs in Austin.
Tina Bezai, MD, FACLP, DLFAPA, leads the inaugural 2023 skills course for APPs in Austin.


“For the upcoming year, the format will allow for more time for interaction and for in-depth discussion of cases,” says Dr. Beizai.

The subcommittee is also developing resources on the ACLP website, which can be used by inter-disciplinary teams for education and team-development.

The Academy continues to support the development of educational content for APPs—an expanding part of the C-L Psychiatry workforce that includes nurse practitioners and physician assistants.


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