In keeping with integrating women’s mental health issues with consultation-liaison psychiatry, Women’s Health SIG members regularly present preconference courses, workshops and symposia, and oral papers and posters at each ACLP annual meeting.
Preconference Courses | Scientific Sessions: 2018 • 2017 • 2016 • 2015 • 2014

Preconference skills course presenters at the Academy’s 2018 Annual Meeting. From left: Drs. Nancy Byatt, Shari Lusskin, Leena Mittal, Neeta Shenai, Priya Gopalan, and Elizabeth Albertini.
Pre-Conference Courses at ACLP Annual Meetings
At the Academy’s 2018 Annual Meeting, one of the half-day preconference skills courses was Perinatal Psychiatry: Negotiating Clinical Challenges in a Rapidly Evolving Field. This course was presented by Elizabeth Albertini, MD; Nancy Byatt, DO, FACLP; Priya Gopalan, MD; Shari Lusskin, MD; Leena Mittal, MD, FACLP; Neeta Shenai, MD; and Mallika Lavakumar, MD.
At the 2017 Annual Meeting, SIG members presented the morning skills preconference course From Preconception to Postpartum: Perinatal Basics for the General Consultation Psychiatrist. Speakers were SIG members Priya Gopalan, MD; Nehama Dresner, MD, FACLP, FAPA, Director, Wellsprings Health Associates, Chicago, IL; Madeleine Becker, MD, FACLP; Christina Wichman, DO, FACLP; and Leena Mittal, MD, FACLP.
And every year from 2012 through 2016, SIG member Christina Wichman, DO, FACLP, presented a “Women’s Health” section of the annual full-day Updates in Psychosomatic Medicine preconference course.
Scientific Sessions at ACLP Annual Meetings
Below are past presentations from 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014.
For full details of the 2018 meeting, see the Academy’s 2018 Annual Meeting site.
- THURSDAY, 1:30pm
- Substance Use Disorders in Pregnancy: Treatment Considerations and Medicolegal Perspectives
Simiriti Chaudry, MD; Shalini Dave, DO; Neeta Shenai, MD
- THURSDAY, 3:15pm
- Telephone Consultation for the C-L Psychiatrist: Lessons from Two Innovative Access Programs
Leena Mittal, MD; Barry Sarvet, MD, DFAPA, FAACAP; Nancy Byatt, DO, FACLP
- FRIDAY, 4:00pm
- Reproductive Psychiatry Education: Time for a National Curriculum
Sarah Nagle-Yang, MD; Lauren Osborne, MD; Robin Valpey, MD; Priya Gopalan, MD
- SATURDAY, 1:15pm
- Beyond Our Comfort Zone: Tools for the Management of Ethical and Legal Dilemmas in Perinatal Psychiatry
Shari Lusskin, MD; Madeleing Fersh, MD; Allison Deutch, MD; Carrie Ernst, MD; Janna Gordon-Elliott, MD, FACLP; Sally Habib, MD; Yardana Kaufman, MD
- FRIDAY, 2:15pm
- Longitudinal Remote Consultation for Perinatal Collaborative Care in Federally Qualified Health Centers: A Mixed Methods Analysis
Amritha Bhat, MD, MPH; Ian Bennett, MD, PhD; Amy Bauer, MD, MS; Whitney Eriksen, PhD, RN; Frances Barg, PhD
- FRIDAY, 4:00pm
- Brexanolone IV, a GABA-A Receptor Modulator, in Women with Postpartum Depression: Pooled Analysis of HAM-D Total Score and Subscales from Pivotal Trials
Christine Clemson, PhD; Samantha Meltzer-Brody, MD; Helen Colquhoun, MBChB; Robert Riesenberg, MD; C. Neill Epperson, MD; Cristina Deligiannidis, MD; David Rubinow, MD; Haihong Li, PhD, Stephen Kanes, MD, PhD
2018 — POSTERS
THURSDAY, 5:15–7:45pm
- Lithium Exposure Through Breastmilk in a Premature Newborn
Jeffrey Burrow, MD; Sarah Detlefs, MD; Charles Phillips, DO
- Moments of Opportunity in the Opioid Epidemic; Creating a Prcocess for Methadone Inductions for Incarcerated, Pregnant Women by C-L Psychiatry at Denver Health Hospital
Michelle Gaffaney, MPAS, PA-C; M. Olivia Cumming, MD
- Psychiatrist in the Delivery Room: Managing Severe Agitation and Psychosis in Pregnancy
Kavitha Raja, MD; Anna Piotrowski, MD
- Screening and Rates of Disclosure of Trauma Among a High-risk Population of Pregnant Transitional Aged Women with Highly Comorbid Substance Use Disorders
Meredith Spada, MD; Manivel Rengasamy, MD; Priya Gopalan, MD
- The Other Side of Alcohol Use in Pregnancy: Management of Alcohol Withdrawal
Elyse Watson, MD; Priya Gopalan, MD; Neeta Shenai, MD; Nicole Bates, MD
- “The Pleasure Is for Both of Us, but the Pain is Only for Me:” Pottraumatic Stress Disorder and Childbirth
Guitelle St. Victor, MD, FACLP, FAPA; Neelam Thakurathi, MD
- Transitional Age Pregnancy – Role of the Consult Psychiatrist
Jacquelin Esque, MD; Meredith Spada, MD; Priya Gopalan MD
- Women with Perinatal Depression: Can We Take the Care to Where They Are?
Amritha Bhat, MD, MPH
For full details of the 2017 meeting, see the Academy’s 2017 Annual Meeting site.
- THURSDAY, 10:15am
- Implementation of Substance Use Screening and Treatment for Women in Reproductive Health Clinics
Adriana Forray, MD; Grace Chang, MD MPH; Constance Guille, MD; Kimberly Yonkers, MD
- THURSDAY, 1:30pm
- The Reproducive Psychiatry Consultation: Interactive Skill-Building for the C-L Psychiatrist
Shari Lusskin, MD; Carrie Ernst, MD; Madeleine Fersh, MD; Sally Habib, MD; Elizabeth Albertini, MD, FAPA; Janna Gordon-Elliott, MD, FACLP
- THURSDAY, 3:15pm
- Is This Okay To Talk About? Sensitive and Taboo Topics In Reproductive Psychiatry
Allison Deutch, MD; Kimberly Yonkers, MD; Rachel Caravella, MD; Marra Ackerman , MD; Carmen Croicu, MD
- FRIDAY, 3:45pm
- From Research to Action: Using Science to Inform Maternal Health-Related Public Policy (Don R. Lipsitt Award Workshop)
Nancy Byatt, DO, FACLP
- SATURDAY, 10:15am
- Improving Care for Women with Bipolar Disorder in Primary Care and Obstetrics Settings Through Consultation: Progress, Challenges, and Potential Solutions
Amritha Bhat, MBBS, MD; Joseph Cermele, MD; Nancy Byatt, DO, FACLP; Leena Mittal, MD, FACLP
- SATURDAY, 1:15pm
- A Lost Sense of Safety: Consultation Challenges Treating Women with Sexual Trauma and PTSD in Gynecologic and Obstetric Care Settings
Archana Brojmohun, MD, FAPA; Laura J. Miller, MD; Nancy Byatt, DO, FACLP; Margaret Altemus, MD; Stacey Gramann, DO
FRIDAY, 2:00–3:30pm
- Benzodiazepine Withdrawal in Pregnancy: AN Observational Study of Current Clinical Practices at a Tertiary Obstetrical Hospital
Priya Gopalan, MD; Eydie Moses-Kolko, MD; Neeta Shenai, MD; Robin Valpey, MD; Erin Smith, MD
- Traumatic Births: Developing a Screening Tool for Postpartum PTSD
Neeta Shenai, MD; Heather Joseph, DO; Priya Gopalan, MD
- Induction of Labor for Psychiatric Indications: A Case-series and Review of the Literature
Meredith Spada, MD; Monique Simpson, MD; Priya Gopalan, MD; Pierre Azzam, MD
2017 — POSTERS
THURSDAY, 5:15–7:45pm
- Capacity Assessments in Pregnant Women with High Risk of Mortality: The Consultants’ Dilemmas
Manan Gupta, MBBS; Jennifer Tejada, MD; Abby Lozano, MD
- Comparing Verbal and Paper Depression Screening in an Obstetrics Clinic
Kate Lieb, MD; Sarah Reinstein, MD; Chavi Karkoesky, MD; Peter Bernstein, MD
- Depression After Early Pregnancy Loss
Sandra Meinecke, MD; Isabel Schuermeyer, MD; Lillian Gonsalves, MD, FACLP
- Need for a Consensus Guideline Regarding Prescribing Potentially Teratogenic Medications to Women of Reproductive Age: Experience from our Outpatient Clinic
Sahil Munjal, MD; Anna Karagkouni, MD; Beth Zell, DO
- Postpartum Psychological Distress Associated with Systematized Emergency Team Response During Labor and Delivery
Gina Silverstein (medical student); Michael Centore; Andrea Pollack; Grace Lim, MD, MS
For full details of the 2016 meeting, see the Academy’s 2016 Annual Meeting site.
- The Neuroendocrine System in Women’s Mental Health: The A-B-C’s of the H-P-G Axis
Janna Gordon-Elliott, MD, FACLP; Carrie Ernst, MD; Margaret Altemus, MD; Elizabeth Albertini, MD, FAPA; Madeleine Fersh, MD; Shari Lusskin, MD
- Increasing Access to Perinatal Psychiatric Care Across the Nation by Building the Capacity of Front-line Providers
Nancy Byatt, DO, FACLP; Christina Wichman, DO, FACLP; Leena Mittal, MD, FACLP; Carmen Croicu, MD
- Complex Ethical and Psychiatric Issues of Maternal Death: Collaborative Symposium from the Pediatric and Bioethics SIGs
Susan Turkel, MD, FACLP; Eliza Park, MD, FACLP; Henry Weisman, MD, FACLP; Victor Stiebel, MD, FACLP; Anna Muriel, MD, MPH
- What Happens When It Just Doesn’t Happen: The Psychiatric Implications of Infertility
Ann Chandy, MD; Andrea Mitchell, MD; Madeleine Becker, MD, FACLP
- Mastering the Art of Mastering the Data: Redefining the Role of the Expert Clinician in Reproductive Psychiatry
Christina Wichman, DO, FACLP; Shari Lusskin, MD; Judy Greene, MD
For full details of the 2015 meeting, see the Academy’s 2015 Annual Meeting site.
- Collaborative Perinatal Mental Health Care: Opportunities to Optimize Maternal and Child Mental Health
Nancy Byatt, DO, FACLP; Mary Kimmel, MD; Rheanna Platt, MD, MPH; Amritha Bhat, MD
- Pitfalls in Perinatal Psychiatry: Management Strategies for the Pregnant Psychiatrically-ill Patient
Carrie Ernst, MD; Kimberly Klipstein, MD; Elizabeth Albertini, MD; Shari Lusskin, MD
- Expecting the Unexpected: Complex Consultation in the Hospitalized Pregnant Patient
Christina Wichman, DO, FACLP; Madeleine Becker, MD, FACLP; Nancy Byatt, DO, FACLP; Leena Mittal, MD, FACLP
For full details of the 2014 meeting, see the Academy’s 2014 Annual Meeting site.
- Update on Perinatal Psychiatry
Teri Pearlstein, MD; Zabe Sayeed, MD; Leena Mittal, MD, FACLP; Ellen Flynn, MD
- Complex Pregnant Patients in the Hospital: Lessons the PM Psychiatrist Can Learn from Our Patients
Christina Wichman, DO, FACLP; Leena Mittal, MD, FACLP; Nancy Byatt, DO, FACLP; Madeleine Becker, MD, FACLP
- Baby, Interrupted: Psychiatric and Psychosocial Issues Related to Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technology
Elizabeth Albertini, MD; Shari Lusskin, MD; Madeleine Fersh, MD; Carrie Ernst, MD