With Gratitude

Dear Friends,

James Vrac

It’s been 11 years since I was appointed ACLP’s (then APM) executive director. As you read this, I have now retired.

During that time, ACLP membership has grown from 975 to 2,200. 15 SIGs has grown to 30 SIGs, forums, and caucuses. 11 annual meetings have seen attendance grow from 740 in 2013 to the Academy’s highest-ever turnout of 1,450 at last year’s meeting in Austin. The Academy’s unrestricted net assets have quadrupled. And just recently, ACLP was admitted as a voting member of the AMA House of Delegates, perhaps the jewel in the crown of this past decade.

These are the facts, but humor me as I prefer, instead, to reflect on the intangibles.

From every member of the ACLP Board to regular members, I received unambiguous support, generosity of spirit, trust, understanding and confidence, faith in my leadership and my contributions, and perhaps above all else, friendship. A bounty of gifts that cannot be taken for granted, yet the board and members showered me with such favors. How could I help but respond in kind? I was inspired every day by the Academy’s board and members, as individuals, but also for the work you do and how that translated into the people you are. I was never bored working for ACLP, and always moved.

It’s encouraging and gratifying to see the quality and strength of the next generation of leaders to take up roles on the board; the future of ACLP is in such good hands.

I owe a great deal of thanks to so many people, regrettably, far too many to try to name here. You know who you are, and I thank you for everything.

I take my leave of you now (June 30 was my last official day of employment) and hand over to the superbly capable Christy Levine, ACLP’s new executive director. I think it can only continue to go up from here with Christy at the helm. Please welcome her, as you did me.

With very best wishes, for what I know will be a successful future, your friend


Executive Director Emeritus


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