The ACLP recommends that all interviews for candidates applying in fall 2021 for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Fellowships be done by virtual means. Both local and distant applicants should be interviewed by remote technology. The ACLP recommends against in-person interviews while the pandemic persists.
The ACLP joints the American Association of Directors of Psychiatry Residency Training (AADPRT) in making this recommendation. The Academic Alliance for Internal Medicine, which represents residencies and fellowships in internal medicine, as well as the major organizations for Pediatrics, Ob-Gyn, and most surgical specialties, have called for all-virtual interviewing in this application cycle.
All-virtual interviewing was used in the fall 2020 application cycle, and was very successful. Indeed, there appeared to be an increased diversity of applicants due to less constraint by travel expense.
The ACLP encourages all applicants to apply to their choice of programs while minimizing any possible health risks. We hope that in-person interviewing will again be feasible in next year’s application cycle.
We wish you the best of luck with your pursuit of fellowship training. We do assure you that a wide variety of programs, with different sorts of emphasis and features, in different areas of the US, will welcome your application.
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