2025 Webinars – April 9

Wednesday April 9


Title: The Impact of Integrated Psychiatric Care on Hospital Medicine Length of Stay: A Pre-post Intervention Design with a Simultaneous Usual Care Comparison

Time/Date: 12:30 – 1:00 PM EDT, Wednesday, April 9, 2025

Platform: Zoom

This session’s article will be presented by Brian Bronson, MD, FACLP. Dr. Bronson is a clinical professor of psychiatry at Stony Brook University, where he serves as the director of the C-L Psychiatry Division and the Fellowship Program, as well as the vice-chair for Hospital Clinical Affairs.

Dr. Bronson has a long-standing interest in leading program innovation and scholarship related to the delivery of health services to manage psychiatric and substance use disorders in non-psychiatric medical settings. He serves on the ACLP Board and chairs the ACLP C-L Psychiatry Division Directors’ Forum.

Brian Bronson, MD, FACLP
Brian Bronson, MD, FACLP

To prepare for this session, please read the article beforehand: Bronson BD, Abdulkader A, Schwartz JE. The impact of integrated psychiatric care on hospital medicine length of stay: A pre-post intervention design with a simultaneous usual care comparison. Psychosomatics 2019; 60: 582-590. The article should be available free of charge to ACLP members!

ACLP Virtual Journal Club sessions will continue to be held every two months and will focus on articles from the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology’s Article-Based Continuing Certification pathway for C-L Psychiatry.