2024 Webinars – May 8

May 8, 2024

Title: Thinking Outside the Box: Exploring Alternative Psychiatric Medication Routes

Time/Date: 12:30 – 1:00 PM EDT, Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Trainee Presenter: Gregory Snigur, MS, 3rd year medical student at Georgetown University School of Medicine

Discussant: Paul Noufi, MD, General Adult Psychiatrist, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrist, Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Medical director, Section of Palliative care, MedStar Harbor Hospital, Instructor of Medicine and Psychiatry, Georgetown University School of Medicine.

Moderator: David Fipps, DO, Senior Associate Consultant in CL, Transplant, and Bariatric Surgery Psychiatry at Mayo Clinic, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine.

Description: Gregory Snigur will present a clinical case that exemplifies the complexities underlying the delivery of psychiatric medications in patients status-post extensive gastrointestinal surgery. Dr. Paul Noufi will serve as the expert discussant and provide a high yield and clinically relevant dialogue surrounding the alternative routes of delivery for certain psychiatric medications. The case presentation and facilitated discussion will be followed by a live audience question and answer session moderated by Dr. Fipps. The case conference will provide trainees an opportunity to learn about C-L psychiatry and augment C-L education at their institutions. Attendees will learn how to succinctly present a case, observe C-L psychiatrists work through diagnostic challenges, and appreciate management dilemmas that arise in C-L psychiatry, namely alternative routes of administration of psychiatric medications when the oral route is not possible.