Title: ACLP Peer Mentorship Group
Time/Date: 1:00 PM EDT, Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Platform: Zoom
The Mentorship Subcommittee is excited to announce a new peer mentoring group! This drop-in group is designed to provide mentorship, career support, and personal and professional development opportunities for ACLP members in mid-career practice.
Carrie Ernst, MD
Sara Nash, MD
Nicholas Kontos, MD
Kewchang Lee, MD
Description: The group will take place by Zoom every other month and be facilitated by ACLP mentorship subcommittee members, who are themselves mid or later career faculty, thus enabling peer, near-peer and more senior level mentorship. The format of each group will be a guided discussion about a topic relevant to mid-career mentorship. Topics will include staying or leaving academia, juggling personal and professional responsibilities, approaching leadership roles, academic generativity, mentorship vs sponsorship, and navigating institutional culture. While the group is targeted towards mid-career individuals (roughly 5-25 years out of training), any non-trainee ACLP members are welcome to participate. We hope that this peer mentor group will be a great way to connect with others outside of your own institution and will serve as a model for additional ACLP peer mentorship groups. Peer Groups will meet bi-monthly.