
Journal Article Annotations
2024, 2nd Quarter


Annotations by Shivali Patel, MD and Sahil Munjal, MD
July, 2024

  1. Association of cognitive impairment with the interaction between chronic kidney disease and depression: findings from NHANES 2011-2014.

PUBLICATION #1 — Psychonephrology

Association of cognitive impairment with the interaction between chronic kidney disease and depression: findings from NHANES 2011-2014.
Tong Zhou, Jiayu Zhao, Yimei Ma, Linqian He, Zhouting Ren, Kun Yang, Jincheng Tang, Jiali Liu, Jiaming Luo, Heping Zhang.


The finding:
This cross-sectional study, using data from National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES), demonstrated both moderate-to-severe depression and chronic kidney disease (CKD) have a synergistic effect on increasing the risk of cognitive impairment in individuals ages 60 or older.

Strength and weaknesses:
Strengths of the study include the use of a large nationally representative sample, adjusting for confounding factors, and the measurement of cognitive impairment via three scales commonly used for screening and epidemiological research. Weaknesses include inability to firmly establish causality secondary to its observational study design. Residual confounding could influence cognitive functioning due to history of traumatic brain injury or other neurological insult, pharmacologic agents like anticholinergics or benzodiazepines, cannabis use, exercise/physical activity, and metabolic and vitamin derangements. Also, most participants (80.33%) were non-Hispanic whites, which limits generalizability outside of the USA.

Depression and cognitive impairment have shown to independently increase the risk of cognitive impairment and this study adds to the literature by showing a synergistic effect. Given, treatment of cognitive impairment is challenging due to its multifactorial etiology, treating both entities- depression and CKD may support a patient’s cognitive functioning.  Understanding this relationship is pertinent for C-L psychiatrists evaluating CKD patients for transplantation as cognitive impairment can negatively impact the pre- and post-transplantation courses.  The study highlights the need for an integrated approach to managing patients with CKD and depression, emphasizing the importance of screening and formulation of individualized treatment strategies, encompassing psychopharmacology, psychotherapy and lifestyle adjustments.