Emergency psychiatry

Journal Article Annotations
2021, 4th Quarter

Emergency psychiatry

Annotations by Scott A. Simpson, MD, MPH
December, 2021

    Of interest:

    PUBLICATION #1 — Emergency psychiatry

    Front Psychiatry. 2021 Dec 7;12:750686. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.750686. eCollection 2021.Which Emergent Medication Should I Give Next? Repeated Use of Emergent Medications to Treat Acute Agitation.
    Veronica B Searles Quick, Ellen D Herbst, Raj K Kalapatapu

    Annotation (unstructured)

    The finding:

    This review aims to guide readers in the management of persistent agitation in psychiatric emergency settings. The authors offer an accessible and helpful review of existing guidelines for agitation management that will be of interest to C-L psychiatrists. The limitations of the guidelines are briefly addressed, and the review proposes sequential algorithms for treatment-resistant psychiatric agitation. There is little literature to guide practice in this area, and unfortunately the review has no systematic search methodology to ensure that the latest scientific advances in this area are presented. Nevertheless, the juxtaposition of existing guidelines is interesting and helpful, and clinicians should appreciate seeing existing protocols from other countries and recommendations for monitoring when administering medications to these high-risk patients.