Check Out What the ACLP Committees are Doing

IN THIS ISSUE: Annual Meeting | ACLP Awards | General Sessions | SIG Reports | Committee Reports | Webinar | What’s on the Web

Check Out What the ACLP Committees are Doing

Annual Meeting Committee
Early Career Track
General Sessions
Local Arrangements
Oral Papers & Posters
Preconference Courses

Education Committee
Interdisciplinary Education
Maintenance of Certification
Medical Student Education
Online Education
Residency Education

Membership Committee
Fellowship & Awards

The full list of Academy committees is here.


Chair: Amy Bauer, MD, MS, FACLP

Annual Meeting graphic

See: Annual Meeting Embraces Our Roles in Caring for the Whole Person, this issue.

Early Career Track
Chairs: Inder Kalra, MD; Stephanie Cho, MD

We meet monthly and with the addition of multiple new members, this year including trainees, we continue to build on creative opportunities for ECPs (Early Career Psychiatrists) through the Academy.

The emphasis in 2024 is on collaborating with other subcommittees and creating programs focused on assisting ECPs throughout the year by creating webinars and ECP mentoring groups during various stages of their career. We are currently working on creating a platform for ECP mentoring sessions to address role transitions, leadership, and challenges faced by ECPs.

The subcommittee continues to focus on ways to improve the networking experience for the Academy’s early career members at the Annual Meeting and will continue to host the Ask Us Anything Event focused on topics requested by early-career members. This year the event has expanded some of its topics to include DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) topics in collaboration with the DEI subcommittee.

The Early Career Track Subcommittee will continue to collaborate with the Early Career Psychiatrists SIG and other subcommittees working with trainees to support their representation and work in the Academy.

General Sessions
Chairs: Natalię Jacobowski, MD; Molly Cinderella, MD

See: Tracks and Themes from an Array of Highly Rated General Sessions, this issue.

Local Arrangements
Chairs: Jack Owens, MD; Hermioni Amonoo, MD

See: Annual Meeting Embraces Our Roles in Caring for the Whole Person, this issue.

Chairs: Paulo Sales, MD; Cristina Montalvo, MD

The subcommittee is excited to propose a series of initiatives that will enhance our connections within the Academy and extend our reach beyond it. Our commitment to creating engaging and dynamic spaces, both physical and virtual, will be central to our activities at this year’s Annual Meeting:

La Cabana: A Hub of Innovation and Relaxation
This year’s annual edition of ACLP Spaces will celebrate the rich Latino culture in Miami with La Cabana, a focal point for networking, relaxation, and creativity. Among other features, Academy members will enjoy Cuban coffee stations, lounge music, and a calming atmosphere that will recreate a beach in a concrete hotel’s heart. For more to come regarding special events to facilitate networking across all career stages, stay tuned!

Life Beyond ACLP: My-Am-I Edition
This year, we are also launching the Life Beyond ACLP initiative, led by Lisa Rosenthal, MD, FACLP. This initiative invites members to share their passions outside of clinical practice, fostering connections through art, photography, travel, and more. By showcasing these personal stories online and at La Cabana, we aim to deepen the bonds within our community and celebrate the diverse interests that enrich our lives in an holistic fashion, which goes along with the core of our vision for this year’s annual meeting: to promote whole health through innovative and integrative approaches.

Enhancing Digital Engagement: The ACLP App and Hybrid Connections
Our work with the ACLP App continues, with efforts to refine the chat function further, making it more user-friendly and interactive. We also focus on creating hybrid networking opportunities within La Cabana, ensuring in-person and online attendees can engage meaningfully through live Zoom sessions and enhanced social media platforms.

The Networking Subcommittee is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and dynamic community where every member has the opportunity to connect, share, and grow. We look forward to a year of innovation, collaboration, and connection. See you in Miami!

Oral Papers & Posters
Chairs: Michael Peterson, MD, PhD, FACLP; VaKara Meyer Karre, MD

We are in the middle of peak season for the Oral Papers & Posters Subcommittee work. We again had a record number of submissions for both posters and oral papers this year and, for the second year, we greatly appreciate the ACLP volunteer reviewers who participated in the first-round review. By now, all submitters have been notified about presentation of a poster or brief oral paper, and are hard at work preparing their presentations. We are looking forward to some exciting changes for this year’s meeting in Miami:

  • Larger space for posters allowed the acceptance of ~10% more posters.
  • Poster size will be slightly smaller this year to accommodate the number of posters PLUS an opportunity to emphasize creative visual presentations of content, keeping additional/text online (e.g: QR code links), and hopefully facilitating discussion between poster presenters and attendees.
  • A reminder to reference our online archive of posters (particularly award winners!) from past meetings (2023 posters are here; login to see the full gallery).
  • A reconfiguration of the schedule will give us more Brief Oral Paper (BOP) sessions. We have been able to increase the total to 60 live BOP presentations, plus this year, an additional 20 recorded BOPs.

Before the meeting, the subcommittee will review poster submissions for Awards consideration. We always enjoy our on-site activities at the meeting, moderating BOP sessions, final on-site scoring of posters, and, of course, handing out poster awards! Hope to see you all there!

Preconference Courses
Chairs: Marian Fireman, MD, FACLP; Durga Roy, MD, FACLP

The subcommittee is pleased to present an exciting day of courses on Wednesday, November 6. Our morning Updates course will include five outstanding speakers. Ladan Mostaghimi, MD, will present on Psychodermatology; Durga Roy, MD, FACLP, will provide an update in Neuropsychiatry, and Aaron Wolfgang, MD, will speak on Psychedelics in Psychiatry. In addition, Stephen Ferrando, MD, will provide an update in Psychopharmacology; and Maryland Pao, MD, FACLP, will speak on topics in Child Psychiatry. It should be a great morning and we hope you will join us. During the afternoon we have 10 exciting Skills courses to choose from. We encourage attendees to sign up early for these courses as some do have a limit on numbers to make sure these are interactive courses. Please check out the program for more details.

Chairs: Ann Schwartz, MD, FACLP; Lisa Rosenthal, MD, FACLP

The Education Committee coordinates the activity of the six ACLP Education Subcommittees. We will be continuing to host the monthly webinars, alternating between virtual journal clubs and clinical case conferences. If you would like to suggest topics for the webinar series, please contact Ann Schwartz or another member of the Education Committee.

Fellowship Education
Chair: Kew Lee, MD

The Fellowship Education Subcommittee (FES) has remained active over the past several months. Its Curriculum Workgroup has developed a new clinical vignette to be added to the ones currently available to Program Directors (PDs) on the ACLP website. As in past years, since the onset of COVID, the Recruitment Workgroup has updated ACLP’s interviewing guidelines for this application cycle, which continue to evolve as the nature of COVID’s impact evolves. The Scholarship Workgroup is in the process of finalizing a manuscript for Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry (JACLP) submission reporting results from a FES-designed survey for PDs and fellows regarding DEI in fellowship training. In a joint effort with the Online Education Subcommittee, the FES also updated the fellows’ webpage on the ACLP website.

Based on positive feedback from PDs, the FES will continue to encourage fellowship programs to use the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). This year, ERAS has adopted a platform called Thalamus as its sole resource for interview scheduling, so the FES sponsored training on Thalamus for PDs and program administrative staff. Also new since the last Annual Meeting was the initiation of virtual PD forums, which has allowed PDs to discuss topics of shared interest beyond the traditional forum at the Annual Meeting.

At the upcoming Annual Meeting, there will be two FES-sponsored sessions, one on artificial intelligence and the other on bias and microaggressions. In coming months, the FES will sponsor a two-part webinar on starting and growing a C-L fellowship program.

Interdisciplinary Education
Chair: Kristin Beizai, MD, FACLP

The Interdisciplinary Education Subcommittee has continued active with several projects over the last few months. The second annual advance practice provider (APP) preconference course is being developed by a workgroup within the subcommittee. Speakers and didactic topics have been identified and are being fully developed (with interactive cases) in preparation for the ACLP Annual Meeting in Miami. Topics will include psycho-oncology, medication safety (antipsychotics) and challenging interpersonal dynamics.

Additional workgroups have been working on: an educational report based on the inaugural APP Course at CLP 2023, led by vice-chair Molly Howland, MD; the development of an interdisciplinary education page on the ACLP website which is nearing completion; and the development of a How to Guide resource on the topic of educating interdisciplinary teams.

Maintenance of Certification
Chair: Christine Pelic, MD

The MOC team is preparing the MOC self-assessment questions for ACLP members prior to our Annual Meeting. Make sure to take advantage of this fantastic benefit of ACLP membership for eight SA credits. The subcommittee has updated and provided advice for writing good multiple-choice questions and has received an exceptional selection of questions.

MOC members will continue to contribute focused questions for Psy-Q: website designed for teaching/learning across training levels, currently containing 246 multiple-choice questions pertaining to psychiatry. Editing and entry of 2024 MOC SA questions will follow. Please feel free to send any additional content/questions/ideas to Montie Meyer ( Welcome : PSY-Q to check out this resource.

The subcommittee is working with the ACLP education committee to develop accessible resources for completing the Article Based Continuing Certification (ABCC) Pathway. The subcommittee encourages attendance at the ACLP virtual journal club which is a great chance to participate in expert discussions of ABCC articles (then take the exam subsequently independently). Previous sessions can be found here.

The subcommittee will be updating the clinical PIP which is due to expire and plan to add additional clinical PIPs pertinent to C-L Psychiatry.

Medical Student Education
Chair: Larkin Kao, MD

The Medical Student Education Subcommittee aims to educate students about C-L Psychiatry, recruit early learners to our field, and involve students in Academy activities. In the past six months, we have worked with the Online Education Subcommittee to launch an improved version of the ACLP website student tab, aimed to be more user-friendly. The tab includes various free educational resources, including a newly published content guide Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry for the Medical Student: How to Succeed on Your Core Rotation. Look out for more peer-reviewed content guides coming soon!

With focus on recruitment and engagement, the group has worked with the Education Committee to introduce an official ACLP Instagram account, @cl_psychiatry. This account was created in part with the observation that many students look to Instagram as a primary source of information regarding medical education events, residency programs, and career inspiration. If you would like your event or content highlighted on the account, please contact the group’s vice-chair, Jeff Zabinski, MD (

With an eye on expanding student involvement in the Academy, the group has also initiated a welcoming subgroup to ensure that every new student member of the ACLP receives a personal welcome note from an individual subcommittee member. As professional organizations may be intimidating to navigate for junior trainees, the aim in this initiative is to foster student inclusion and participation through personal connections.

The subcommittee continues to collaborate with the Psychiatry Student Interest Group Network (PsychSIGN) for student mentorship and panel events and has begun to partner with the Association of Directors of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry (ADMSEP) given shared goals of student recruitment and education in psychiatry.

Please remind your students of the multiple ACLP web resources available to them (including and the medical student tab of and the numerous benefits associated with ACLP membership (with an annual fee of $0 for students!). For those interested in higher-level involvement, there is also an option each fall to apply to join the subcommittee as a student member. The subcommittee looks forward to welcoming students to the ACLP community throughout the coming year.

Online Education
Chair: Sahil Munjal, MD

The ACLP Online Education Subcommittee worked to optimize organization of the website, which is now more streamlined, intuitive, and inviting. The ‘Education’ menu offers landing pages for students, residents, and fellows—a one-stop shop for our trainees accessing content focused on their level of training. The subcommittee will continue to facilitate production of podcasts to further disseminate ACLP content. It has released nine episodes, with new ones in the pipeline collaborating with Medicine & Psychiatry SIG, HIV/AIDS Psychiatry SIG, and the Integrative Medicine (Complementary & Alternative Medicine) SIG.

Residency Education
Chair: Thomas Soeprono, MD

The Residency Education Subcommittee (RES) focuses on promoting educational scholarship, developing educational materials, recruiting trainees to C-L Psychiatry, and addressing issues of DEI in C-L Psychiatry training.

The RES continues to host successful virtual case conferences every other month. If you are interested in participating as a presenter in this series, join an ACLP SIG to get involved.

The RES continues to add to its practical and rich How-To-Guide series on common consultation questions. The subcommittee is continually creating new guides. See the library here.

Use these step-by-step resources to support learners at every level. Updates to these guides will be in continuous process so they will provide the most accurate and up-to-date information available. If you have an idea or want to contribute to the library of subjects, contact James Rustad ( or Amanda Mihalik-Wenger (

Our most recent efforts have been directed toward updating the Academy’s bibliography. Anticipate further information in the Fall about this process and contact Thomas Soeprono ( if you would like to be involved or provide input.

We are off to a great start in the new academic year. The bright and enthusiastic faces of early learners is fueling the push through the steep learning curve in July. A huge thankyou to all the faculty across the country who are training our future psychiatrists.

Chair: Terry Rabinowitz, MD, DDS, FACLP

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility
Chairs: Chandan Khandai, MD; Ariadna Forray, MD

The DEIA Subcommittee continues in our mission to incorporate DEIA into all aspects of our Academy! As part of the Annual Meeting Committee, we continue the DEIA statement addition for all submissions to ensure posters and presentations make efforts to incorporate inclusivity and equity in speakers and topics. We are partnering with other ACLP bodies, such as the new LGBTQIA2S+ caucus and Bioethics DEI workgroup, to further advance the mission. And after several years, we have finalized an equity survey that will be going out to all members of ACLP, to find areas of DEIA strength and opportunity moving forward. Moving forward, we are partnering with the Education Committee to expand our DEIA library of resources for members, and creating new scholarly works for DEIA in C-L Psychiatry. While other organizations have started to retrench from DEIA efforts, we are proud to keep advancing the mission of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility for our members and our patients.

Fellowship & Awards
Chairs: Divy Ravindranath, MD, FACLP; Yelizaveta Sher, MD, FACLP

The Fellowship & Awards Subcommittee has met several times and made changes to the process of some nominations and deliberations, ensuring that the process is fair and equitable, and the work is evenly distributed over a period of time for its members. The DEI considerations continue to be very important in deliberations of the award nominations and selection.

This year, the Dorfman Award process has undergone a change with the Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry (JACLP) editorial board now nominating articles from the original research and review article categories. All nominated articles will then be reviewed and scored by the full F&A Subcommittee, with recommendations forwarded to the ACLP Board. This change hopes to fully integrate the vision of the JACLP for its research and aspirations, and recognition of the journal’s work by the F&A Subcommittee and C-L Psychiatry practitioners at large. The F&A Subcommittee continues to score and nominate articles for the brief case report category of the Dorfman Award.

In addition, the F&A Subcommittee is planning to move the deadline for application for Visiting Professorship and Stoudemire Awards to April 30 as of next year, so be on lookout!

Chairs: Carrie Ernst, MD; Scott Beach, MD, FACLP

The Mentorship Subcommittee continues to offer a variety of mentorship opportunities for ACLP members of all stages. Our newest offering is a peer mentoring drop-in group, intended to provide mentorship, career support, and personal and professional development opportunities for mid-career (roughly 5-25 years out of training) ACLP members. Facilitated by Carrie Ernst, MD, FACLP, Sara Nash, MD, FACLP, Nicholas Kontos, MD, FACLP, and Kewchang Lee, MD, FACLP, the group will host attendees via Zoom every other month with specific topics including staying or leaving academia, juggling personal and professional responsibilities, approaching leadership roles, academic generativity, mentorship vs sponsorship, and navigating institutional culture.

This effort supplements the ACLP Career Consultation Program, launched last year. The program, also targeted at mid-career psychiatrists, allows ACLP members to request a one-time consultation regarding a specific career question. Participants are matched with a mentor who has expertise in the specific topic and who has agreed to meet with the member for up to an hour to discuss their questions. Applications for this program occur on a rolling basis, and members can request consultation at any time. So far, dozens of ACLP members have taken advantage of this program, with early feedback being very positive from both mentees and mentors. If you would like to sign up for an ACLP Career Consultation, please use this link.

For trainees and early career psychiatrists, the Mentorship Subcommittee is proud to host the annual, longitudinal Trainee and ECP Mentorship Program. In operation for nearly a decade and run by the Mentorship Subcommittee for the past several years, this program matches trainees and ECPs with a longitudinal mentor based on interests and identity. The pairs meet at least four times during the course of the year, with agendas for each meeting created by the mentees. Mentees may use this program to get advice about applying for fellowship or their first job, to navigate the early stages of a career, or even to work on a scholarly project together. If you are interested in joining this program as either a mentee or a mentor, please keep an eye out for additional announcements in the next couple of months.

Finally, the Mentorship Subcommittee sponsors a series of webinars throughout the year. Recent offerings co-sponsored by the subcommittee include Finding Meaning in Medicine: A Discussion with C-L Faculty on Finding Fulfillment at Work and Best Practices for Applying for ACLP Awards. All webinars are recorded and hosted on the ACLP website here.




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