ACLP takes up seat in the AMA’s House of Delegates

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ACLP is in the House

ACLP takes up seat in the AMA’s House of Delegates

ACLP has been voted into the HOD! Following our 2018 initiative by the ACLP Board, the American Medical Association has now officially welcomed the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry as a member of the House of Delegates. Thank you to all our members that joined the AMA and to our colleagues at the American Psychiatry Association for their support in this initiative.


Above: Lee Tynes, MD, FACLP, the Academy’s Representative at the AMA’s House of Delegates, proudly displays our nameplate at his seat in the HOD and (below) celebrates the occasion with Academy colleagues, ACLP past president (2018-19) and APA past president (2022-23) Rebecca Weintraub Brendel, MD, JD, FACLP (left), and Alternate Delegate to AMA, Anna Dickerman, MD, DFAPA, FACLP.



Read about the background in April’s ACLP News.



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