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ACLP Meets its Target for Applying to the House of Delegates

20% of membership target exceeded by the Academy

The Academy has achieved the percentage of members, who are also members of the American Medical Association, required to pursue representation in the AMA’s House of Delegates.

ACLP outgoing president (2022-2023), Maryland Pao, MD, FACLP, announced at the annual meeting that 26% of the Academy’s membership are currently members of the AMA—the benchmark for applying to the House of Delegates is 20%. ACLP’s membership currently stands at 2,200.

This year, ACLP was eligible for the first time to apply for representation in the House of Delegates following our three-year representation in the largest AMA caucus, the Specialty and Service Society (SSS), which ACLP News featured in a 2021 edition here.

The AMA, founded in 1847, has more than 240,000 physician and medical student members. Its prime governing body, the House of Delegates, comprises representatives of state medical societies and other prominent entities.

Organizations represented in the SSS must serve three years before they are eligible to seek admission to the House of Delegates. The House has well over 600 voting delegates from more than 170 medical societies.

Periodically, ACLP along with other organisations are invited to co-sign AMA statements on policy decisions. As a member of the House, the Academy’s representative would be entitled to speak on policy and vote for its acceptance or rejection.

L. Lee Tynes, MD, PhD, FACLP
L. Lee Tynes, MD, PhD, FACLP

ACLP’s representative at the AMA, L. Lee Tynes, MD, PhD, FACLP, outlined the benefits of becoming a member of the House of Delegates in ACLP News here.


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