New Caucus for LGBTQIA2S+ Community

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New Caucus for LGBTQIA2S+ Community

‘Formation of such a caucus is particularly critical from an organizational standpoint’

The ACLP Board has approved formation of a caucus for the Academy’s LGBTQIA2S+ community.

The caucus will bring together LGBTQIA2S+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, agender/asexual, two spirit, and more) members of ACLP—psychiatrists, allied health professionals, trainees, and students.

Like other Academy SIGs/caucuses, membership will be open not just to members of the community, but also allies, particularly those working with the LGBTQIA2S+ community.


Fi Fonseca, MD, MS
Fi Fonseca, MD, MS

Chair Fi Fonseca, MD, MS, says the caucus will provide a forum to connect with likeminded Academy members for collaboration and mentorship, offering individuals the opportunity to learn from others who identify as LGBTQIA2S+ while they develop their professional identity as C-L psychiatrists.

Another purpose is to allow for collaborative efforts in developing educational material by members which can potentially be of benefit to the Academy as a whole. Such material may include LGBTQIA2S+ health care topics.

“As the ACLP and American Medical Association (AMA) undertake ongoing advocacy efforts to support policy that is affirming of LGBTQIA2S+ individuals, another purpose of this group is to assist by acting as a resource for our organization, in collaboration with the DEI subcommittee’s efforts,” says Dr. Fonseca.

”The formation of such a caucus is particularly critical from an organizational standpoint. There has been discussion about creating such a SIG/caucus within ACLP in the past. This need persists and is amplified for LGBTQIA2S+ members in this evolving political climate with legislation that is deeply harmful to the community being proposed and passed nationwide.

“ACLP members who are part of the LGBTQIA2S+ community are impacted by decisions not just at the global level, but also by those made by the organization, affecting their sense of belonging within it. Such legislature impacts personal and professional safety for members who might be involved in providing evidence-based, gender-affirming psychiatric care, or even LGBTQIA2S+ affirming psychoeducation. These concerns are compounded as LGBTQIA2S+ clinicians are more likely to provide care for LGBTQIA2S+ patients.

“In summary, the purpose of creating such a caucus within ACLP would be to offer LGBTQIA2S+ members who are an underrepresented group within C-L Psychiatry a space within which they are able to come together, as a part of the organization. Creation of the caucus will also underscore the Academy’s vision and commitment to supporting optimal health for all patients, including LGBTQIA2S+ patients, through integrated medical and psychiatric care.”

Early members of the caucus are considering:

  • A workgroup at CLP 2023 in November to discuss research, scholarship, and educational initiatives and opportunities for collaboration over the upcoming year.
  • A networking event at the annual meeting, as well as virtual networking events through the year, for members to discuss ongoing concerns and, more importantly, come together in solidarity to support one another.
  • Acting as a resource for ACLP in its educational endeavors, including creating educational materials and future conference planning.
  • Acting as a resource for ACLP in its advocacy endeavors in collaboration with other components and SIGs. For example, publishing position statements involving LGBTQIA2S+ health care.

The LGBTQIA2S+ caucus will host its first meeting at CLP 2023—8am on Saturday, November 11.


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