CLP 2022

IN THIS ISSUE: Maryland Pao | Membership | CLP 2022 | EAPM | A&E Abstracts 

Winners, Pictures, Recordings & News from CLP 2022

And dates for your 2023 calendar

CLP 2022 attracted a near-record number of attendees for an ACLP annual meeting. All of 906 attended in person and 437 online.

“It was great to be together in person again,” says ACLP president Maryland Pao, MD, FACLP. “Big shout out to Phil and Sandy for the near biggest meeting ever!”

Philip Bialer, president (2021-2022), handed over the ceremonial gavel to Dr. Pao during the meeting, and Sandy Rackley, MD, FACLP, was this year’s program chair.

Sejal Shah, MD, FACLP
Sejal Shah, MD, FACLP

Sejal Shah, MD, FACLP, will be program chair for next year’s annual meeting to be held in Austin (November 8-11, 2023), with its theme Integrating Care and Evidence Across the Lifespan.

This year’s poster winners at CLP 2022 in Atlanta were reported here.

If you couldn’t attend but would like to read the daily ACLP News editions at the meeting they are here.

Pictures from the event are here.

And recordings of many of the program sessions are available to view on the CLP 2022 conference website.


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