Educational Resources

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Educational Resources Available on Academy Website

Eight ‘how to’ guides on offer—and much more to come

Eight ‘How to’ guides—on how to perform commonly occurring consultations—have been created by members of the Residency Education Subcommittee.

The guides are freely available to members and non-members alike and can be accessed through the ACLP Resident/Fellows resources here.

Topics are: 

  • Doing a consult
  • Acute agitation
  • Catatonia
  • Delirium
  • Depression
  • Medication syndromes
  • QTc prolongation
  • Transplantation

Subcommittee members are also developing educational resources for all members of the clinical care team. Currently they are assessing learning needs through two surveys:

  • Periodically the subcommittee surveys all ACGME-accredited residency programs to assess the state of C-L Psychiatry training. Data gathered informs the ACLP about generating guidelines and identifying ways to assist residency programs in educational endeavors. Results from the latest survey, developed by the Residency Education Subcommittee led by Mallika Lavakumar, MD, FACLP, were received at the end of May.  
  • The Interprofessional Education Subcommittee, under the leadership of Liliya Gershengoren, MPH, MD, has just finalized a survey looking at the structure of the C-L Psychiatry team, their educational needs, and teaching modalities. The survey is to be sent to C-L Psychiatry Division Directors in the coming months.

Meanwhile, the Online Education Subcommittee, led by Sanjeev Sockalingam, MD, FACLP, is reorganizing educational parts of the Academy’s website to ensure that content is up-to-date and the site is easy to navigate. “The website is an opportunity to leverage our subject matter beyond the ACLP,” says Education Committee chair Ann Schwartz, MD, FACLP.

Ann Schwartz, MD, FACLP
Ann Schwartz, MD, FACLP

The Residency Education Subcommittee is finalizing three APA modules they are aiming to publish in the summer; and both that subcommittee and the Fellowship Education subcommittee are collaborating to create a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) curriculum as a model curriculum related to anti-racism and other DEI issues.

Moreover, the Residency Education Subcommittee partnered with the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to sponsor a virtual recruitment forum on June 13 to help promote C-L Psychiatry fellowships to medical students and residents. See: Virtual Recruitment Forum Attracts 115 Residents, this issue.

“Mentorship is so important for what we do as an organization”, adds Dr. Schwartz. “Mentorship work runs across several of the current ACLP subcommittees as we receive applications from medical students, residents, fellows, and early career psychiatrists.

“Last year, the Residency Education Subcommittee matched more than 80 applicants to mentors and also used group mentorship to address mentorship needs.”

Hence, the Education Committee is exploring whether the Academy might have a separate Mentorship Subcommittee or taskforce that could coordinate the efforts across all training levels into early career psychiatry. The Education Committee could collaborate in supporting members conducting research through mentorship opportunities.


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