Research: When Mind Meets Brain: Essentials of Well-Coordinated Management of Psychiatric Disorders in Neurological Diseases
Authors: Gustavo Medeiros, MD; Susan Turkel, MD, FACLP; Katherine Brownlowe, MD; Thomas Cummings Jr, MD; Davin Quinn, MD, FACLP; Durga Roy, MD.
Abstract/Extract: This review provides practical instructions and directions on how to integrate neurological and psychiatric care for inpatient treatment of psychiatric disorders in neurological diseases.
Data from different medical specialties indicate that primary teams do not follow recommendations in 10 to 47% of consultations—which may negatively interfere with patient outcomes and adversely affect the alliance between primary and consultant teams.
Establishing clear, frank, and, preferably, oral communication is recommended. “A collegial and non-judgmental communication is crucial for an effective collaboration,” say the authors. “Interactions between Psychiatry and Neurology should be seen as a constructive cooperation instead of a fatiguing conflict.” Where the primary team disagrees with the consulting team, both should discuss the case, preferably face-to-face. “A collaborative approach to disagreements might turn into a unique learning experience.”
Importance: The prevalence of psychiatric disorders in neurological patients has been estimated at between 24 and 51%. The most common psychiatric problems are mood disorders, particularly depression and anxiety disorder.
Availability: Pre-publication in the Journal of the Academy of Consultation–Liaison Psychiatry (JACLP)