Dlin/Fischer Clinical Research Award

How the Recipient Is Selected

The Dlin/Fischer Clinical Research Award is presented for significant achievement in clinical research and the best paper submitted for presentation at the annual meeting. There is no application or nomination procedure for the award. Rather, individuals who submit the top-rated abstracts are invited to submit a paper to vie for the award.

The award is named for Barney M. Dlin, MD, FACLP (Academy president 1983-84) and H. Keith Fischer, MD, FACLP (Academy president 1975-76), corroborators on many research projects and papers.

Barney DlinBarney “Ben” Dlin, who passed away in December 2008 in his 90s, played a significant role in elevating the Academy into a leading psychiatric organization and made many important contributions to psychological aspects of both coronary artery disease and inflammatory bowel disorders.

Dr. Dlin wrote about his first job as a doctor in his autobiography, Country Doctor: A Memoir. As a result of his experience, he believed that “every student of medicine should spend time in rural practice . . . no matter what specialty is pursued.” Thomas Wise, MD, FACLP, provides a tantalizing review of the book in the November-December 2001 issue of Psychosomatics.

H. Keith Fischer was 79 when he passed away in December 1995. He was clinical professor of psychiatry at Temple University, where he’d been on the faculty for 50 years and where he started the first open psychiatric inpatient unit and the first art therapy program in Pennsylvania. In the January 1996 Academy Newsletter, his cohort Barney Dlin wrote a memorial that is reprinted here.

Michael Sharpe congratulating Gen Shinozaki, Dlin/Fischer award, 2018
Gen Shinozaki, MD, FACLP (right), gets a hearty congratulations for the 2018 Dlin/Fischer award from Michael Sharpe, MD, FACLP, at the Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL.
Dlin/Fischer 2017 award
O. Joseph Bienvenu, MD, PhD (left), received the 2017 Dlin/Fischer award from award presenter Michael Sharpe, MD, FACLP, in Palm Springs, CA.

2024 Jose R. Maldonado, MD, FACLP, FACFE
Assessing the Diagnostic Accuracy of the Stanford Proxy Test for Delirium (S-PTD) in a Critically Ill Population
2023 Jennifer Knight, MD, FACLP
Integrated Care: Implementation Strategies at an Academic Medical Center
2022 Nancy Byatt, DO, MS, MBA, FACLP
The Program In Support of Moms (PRISM): Results of a cluster randomized controlled trial of two active interventions addressing perinatal depression in obstetric settings
2021 Vishal Ahuja
Impact of co-locating mental and behavioral health providers with primary care providers and specialists on patient outcomes
2020 Christian Goans, MD
The Columbia Suicide Rating Scale is Insensitive to Suicide Risk After Emergency Department Visit
2019 Juliet Edgcomb, MD
High Risk Phenotypes of Suicidality following Medical Hospitalization
2018 Gen Shinozaki, MD, FACLP
Prediction of Patient Outcomes Associated with Delirium by Novel Bispectral EEG Device
2017 O. Joseph Bienvenu, MD, PhD
Anxiety, Depression, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms after Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A 5-year Longitudinal Study
2016 Jesse Fann, MD, MPH, FACLP
Impact of a Telehealth Intervention on Common Comorbid Conditions of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Active Duty Service Members: A Ramdomized Controlled Trial
2015 Eliza M. Park, MD
End-of-Life Experiences of Mothers with Advanced Cancer: Perspectives of Widowed Fathers
2014 José R. Maldonado, MD, FACLP, FACFE
Prospective Validation Study of the Prediction of Alcohol Withdrawal Severity Scale (PAWSS) of a New Scale for the Prediction of Moderate to Severe Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
2013 Per Fink, MD, PhD, DMSc, FACLP
Multiple Medically Unexplained Symptoms and Somatoform Disorders Vastly Increase Sick Leave and Work Disability in Primary Care Patients. A Ten-year Follow-up Study
2012 Dimitry Davydow, MD, MPH
PTSD and Depressive Symptoms, Alcohol Use, and Cognitive Impairment Three Months after Medical-Surgical Intensive Care Unit Admission
2011 Peter A. Shapiro, MD, FACLP
Psychiatric Evaluation of Potential Heart Transplant Candidates as a Predictor of Post-Heart Transplant Mortality
2010 Wayne J. Katon, MD, FACLP
Comorbid Depression Is Associated with an Increased Risk of Dementia Diagnosis in Patients with Diabetes: A Prospective Cohort Study
2009 Lisa Seyfried, MD
Predictors of Suicide in Older Patients with Dementia
2008 Kenneth Larsen, DMin, PhD
A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study of Perioperative Administration of Olanzapine to Prevent Postoperative Delirium in Joint Replacement Patients
2007 Hochang B. Lee, MD
Longitudinal Association Between Cluster B Personality Disorders and Incident Cardiovascular Diseases Among Community Residents
2006 Per Fink, MD, PhD, DMSc, FACLP
A Two-Year Follow-up Study of Hypochondriasis/High Anxiety in Primary Care
2005 James R. Rundell, MD, FACLP
Somatoform-Spectrum Diagnoses Among Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom Personnel Medically Evaculated from the Theater of Operations
2004 Jose R. Maldonado, MD, FACLP, et al
Postoperative Sedation Can Dramatically Alter the Development of Delirium After Cardiac Surgery
2003 Graeme C. Smith, MD, FACLP; Thomas Trauer, PhD
Prospective Psychosocial Monitoring of Living Kidney Donors Using the SF-36 Health Survey: Outcome at 4 and 12 Months
2002 Matthew J. Bair, MD, et al
Impact of Pain on Depression Treatment Efficacy
2001 Mary Ellen Olbrisch, PhD; James L. Levenson, MD, FACLP; et al
Psychosocial Evaluation of Organ Transplant Candidates: Comparative Surveys of Process Criteria & Outcomes 1989 and 2000
1999 Mary Amanda Dew, PhD; Andrea DiMartini, MD, FACLP; et al
Patterns and Predictors of Risk for Depressive and Anxiety-Related Disorders During the First Three Years After Heart Transplantation
1998 Jesse R. Fann, et al
Psychiatric Illness and Healthcare Utilization in an HMO Population with Traumatic Injury
1997 Peter A. Shapiro, MD, FACLP, et al
Depression After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: Effect on Six-Month Outcome
1996 Wayne J. Katon, MD, et al
Cost Effectiveness of Collaborative Intervention to Improve the Primary Care Treatment of Major Depression
1995 Constantine G. Lyketsos, MD, et al
Changes in Depression as AIDS Develops
1994 Wayne J. Katon, MD, et al
Collaborative Management to Achieve Treatment Guidelines: Impact on Depression in Primary Care
1993 Hans Steiner, MD, FACLP
Repressive Adaptation in Youth Is Accompanied by Unrecognized Cardiac Arousal in Normal Adolescents
1992 William S. Breitbart, MD; S. Passik, PhD; et al
Suicidal Ideation in AIDS: The Roles of Mood, Pain, Social Support, and Disease Status
1991 Mark W. Ketterer, PhD, et al
Noctural Awakening, Sleep Latency, and Snoring in Males Undergoing Coronary Angiography and Age/SES Matched Controls

James Rundell, MD, et al
Methods Employed by and Length of Knowledge of HIV-Seropositivity of HIV-Infected Suicide Attempters

Mary Alice O’Dowd, MD, et al
More Suicidal Ideation in ARC and HIV+ Patients Than in AIDS Patients Attending a Psychiatry Outpatient Program

How the Dlin/Fischer Award Recipient Is Selected

There is no application or nomination procedure for the Dlin/Fischer award. Rather, four to six individuals who submit the highest mean-ranking abstracts for oral papers at the annual meeting, as rated by the Oral Papers & Posters Subcommittee, are invited to submit a paper to vie for the award. Authors cannot be a finalist for this award if they have received it within the previous four years.

Finalists may accept or decline the offer to compete. All those who decline or are not selected will present their paper during the regular Oral Papers session of the meeting.

Finalists are given four weeks to submit:

  • A 2-page paper expanding on their submission with the primary focus on methods and results; or if already published, a copy of the paper
  • The CV of the lead author

Please note: The submission length is strictly observed and submissions longer than the page limit will be returned to the author for editing. Tables, figures, and references are not included in the page count and may take up one (1)  additional page. If the paper has already been published, a PDF reprint may be submitted in lieu of a shorter submission.

The papers are judged by the Research Subcommittee. The author who submits the winning paper is recognized for their achievement during the oral paper session at the annual meeting. The winner also receives a $250 honorarium.